Jesse Martin
GraphQL on SQL Server with Hasura
Learn how to leverage GraphQL while keeping your stack in place with this hands-on workshop demonstrating the new multi-database support in Hasura. This workshop will show how to bring an existing MSSQL database into the Hasura engine and unlock all the benefits of GraphQL and Hasura's business-logic mapping layer. Existing knowledge of MSSQL will be helpful but not required as we'll focus most of our time on bringing the database into Hasura itself and mapping additional logic on top of this powerful stack.
Talk Takeaways
  • starLearn how to add MSSQL to Hasura
  • starLearn how Hasura Actions, Functions, and GraphQL can accelerate your time-to-market
  • starFamiliarity with MSSQL or Postgres
Presented by
Jesse Martin
Technical Product Marketer,
Jesse Martin is an experienced teacher and digital strategist, helping companies learn about new technologies and apply them to real-world problems. He's currently working in technical product marketing at Hasura Inc.
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