Bharat Kashyap
Adding bleeding-edge tech to archaic government: GraphQL for GovTech
At the Central Tech Team at Samagra - a governance consulting team working in four different states in India - we've been trying to create a culture of using open-source, scalable and fast (bleeding-edge) tech for government use cases. What we've done so far - enable tracking and monitoring of student and teacher attendance in all public schools of Haryana; building the technology architecture behind Mission Prerna, Uttar Pradesh's mission to transform basic education and enable tech systems that allowed Himachal Pradesh to be declared the country's best state in terms of learning continuity in 2020, according to the Annual State of Education Report. How do we do it - and how does GraphQL fit into the picture?
Talk Takeaways
Some of the questions that I will pose in the talk will be relevant to both the GraphQL community as well as the open source community at large: What are the responses when we show the Hasura Console to government employees used to the Microsoft SQL Server? What are the issues, and how can we save exchequer money through open source - building better SQL Server to Postgres migration, for example. How can GraphQL stitching enable better federation for important government projects, like the National Health Stack? Hopefully get the community excited about things happening in the GovTech space and get a lot more people interested in contributing to thing we're building at CTT Samagra.
About the speakers
Bharat	Kashyap
Software Engineer,
Samagra Development Associates
Adding tech to gov at Samagra
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