Sam Julien
Sam Julien
Talk Title
Becoming a “Secret” Agent: Securing Your GraphQL Backend with JWTs
Talk Abstract
Are you confused about how authentication and authorization relate to your GraphQL API? You’re not alone! Learning auth can be tough, so let’s demystify it with some practical teaching on how to use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) with your GraphQL APIs.
Talk Description
Are you confused about how authentication and authorization relate to your GraphQL API? You’re not alone! It’s no secret that learning auth is hard enough on its own, let alone while trying to understand how it fits with GraphQL. Let’s demystify authentication with some practical teaching on how to use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to add authentication to your GraphQL APIs! We’ll first shed light on some auth terminology and talk about the problem of delegated access. We’ll also discuss options to consider when choosing an authorization strategy and whether any considerations need to be made for using your GraphQL backend with a frontend on the same server versus on an external server along with multiple APIs. We’ll then step through how to handle authorization in your GraphQL server, including several options for handling access to protected data. This talk will use JavaScript examples, but the principles will apply to other backend technologies. By the end, you’ll feel a whole lot better about tackling auth in GraphQL!
ABOUT Sam Julien
Sam Julien is an Angular GDE and Collaborator, a Developer Advocate Engineer at Auth0, and the creator of He’s also the author of “Up and Running with Gatsby” on His favorite thing in the world is being outside drinking good scotch next to a fire he built himself.
Bengaluru, Karnataka