Kiran Kumar Abburi
Kiran Kumar Abburi
Talk Title
Potential of GraphQL Directives
Talk Abstract
GraphQL is good interface to build modern API’s. Some of its features like directives, introspection enable us to build tools that solve common network problems. In this talk, I will take a deep dive into GraphQL directives and explain how to abstract common patterns into custom directives.
Talk Description
GraphQL is good interface to build modern API’s. Some of its features like directives, introspection enable us to build tools that solve common network problems in apps. In this talk, I will take a deep dive into GraphQL directives and explain how to abstract common patterns into custom directives. This talk broadly divided into 2 parts 1) How to use schema directives to solve problems on server 2) How to use query directives to solve problems on client
ABOUT Kiran Kumar Abburi
Kiran Abburi is founder of and organizer of React Bangalore
Bengaluru, Karnataka